A Look into Rejuvenating Treatments for Aging Skin

Aging Skin Treatments

Aging skin is a natural occurrence that comes with growing older. The degree of damage that your skin experiences is based on many factors. Daily habits, genetics and exposure to the sun are the most prevalent reasons why skin begins to:

  • lose elasticity
  • experience increased pore size
  • develop fine lines
  • thin in muscle and fat
  • see dark pigmentation

Treatments for aging skin are available in many different forms. Chemical peels, Botox and laser therapy are a few of today's advertised ways to hide or temporarily remove dermatological scars, but they may not always be the answer to permanent skin rejuvenation.

Reduce Premature Skin Aging

There are many ways to slow the progress of aging skin, and these include developing certain habits while in your 20s and 30s:

  • Protect skin from the sun with an SPF sunscreen of 30 or more.
  • Use self-tanner as opposed to the harsh rays of the sun.
  • If you smoke, stop.
  • Reduce alcohol intake.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Wash skin after sweating profusely.
  • Be gentle with washings.
  • Never use skincare products that sting or burn.

Starting early with proper skin care can reduce the aging signs as life goes on. This can be hard to believe, especially when you are young and vibrant, but it’s a good lesson to learn early on.

Different Strokes for Different Folks

Aging skin treatments have advanced in the past 20 years as we better understand the biological process of photoaging. Repair systems are affected by the gene pool, ultraviolet irradiation and DNA-damaging agents like cigarette smoke and automobile exhaust. Not every treatment is recommended for every individual, but science has found the answer on where to start. Different types of skin tones require different types of treatments. A dermatologist can offer the best answers.

The Magic Ingredients

There is no one agent that can bring a magic solution to toning, enhancing and lightening the skin. However, by combining different vitamins and antioxidants, progress in treatments for aging skin has made it possible to improve and preserve the body's largest organ.

Retin-A (Tretinoin)

Retin-A, also known as tretinoin, is a manipulation of compounds found in vitamin A. The retinoid drug project began in 1968 and has been improving ever since. Retinoids are important in reproduction, vision, growth and inflammation. You may find this ingredient in aging skin treatment creams. A professional balancing act is necessary with the use of tretinoin, as there are side effects. Only certified dermatologists like Dr. Feinberg have the knowledge and experience to prescribe this product along with complementary ingredients.

Alpha-Hydroxy Acids (Glycolic Acid)

Alpha-hydroxy acids are natural acids found in foods like citrus fruits, sugar cane and grapes. Their main role in helping aging skin is to remove layers of dead skin cells. Concentrations greater than 10% should be used under the direction of a dermatologist as side effects can occur.


Topical antioxidants can deliver protection from UV damage and reduce inflammation that occurs in aging skin. Because the body rarely gets enough antioxidants from healthy eating, supplements need to be used. The absorption rate in the skin through creams differs, but there are ingredients that can aid in receiving good results. These include:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Coenzyme Q10
  • Botanical Extracts (Phytoextracts)
  • Niacinamide
  • Resveratrol
  • Curcumin (A Polyphenol)

When antioxidants are used in conjunction with retinol and glycolic acid, help for aging skin becomes a reality.


The last agents that help damaged skin are a good moisturizer and sunscreen that is above SPF 18. An anti-aging moisturizer helps to minimize fine lines and can be found in many anti-aging products. Sunscreen and moisturizers will not provide overnight results, but after a few weeks, you should see improvement.

Skin types are yet another factor in finding the right solution to aging skin. Your dermatologist will be able to measure your degree of oily or dry skin and determine what type of moisturizer will work best. If buying over-the-counter anti-aging moisturizers, look for words such as hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic. Stay clear of products that make exaggerated promises like overnight results or erasing 10 years in less than a week. Bringing skin back to a normal balance is a science, and working with experts in the field will deliver the best results.


No one product can stop the aging process. However, tretinoin and tretinoin-based products deserve attention as having been thoroughly tested and having the highest success rates among anti-aging treatments and procedures. RAGA products combine all of the magical ingredients necessary to improve your skin regardless of your age. Slow time’s effects on damaged skin by taking precautions in the sun and improving your diet. Regularly apply moisturizers and sunscreen.

Skin is the most vital form of protection for our internal organs. Without proper care, the risk of damaging organs increases. Your physical appearance also suffers from aging skin. As you age, your outward appearance can become a succession of poorly toned skin, wrinkles and dark spots that make you look older. Rejuvenating your skin offers the two-fold benefits of sustaining good looks and achieving good health. Regardless of your ethnicity, skin type or age, follow the best procedures to keep your skin as healthy as possible. Your healthy and rejuvenated skin will thank you.